Post 06_Postgraduate Studies
I have always had in mind to continue studying, due to the fact that I want to specify myself in certain things, such as urban planning or pratimony, I'm not determined yet, but I would like to be able to do classes as well and it is much easier if you have a postgraduate degree. I also like the idea of being able to study in another country. As we are in a pandemic, this year it showed us that anything can happen, so I have nothing in writing, I would like to travel to study to get to know other cultures and places but maybe things will not happen that way and I will able to study at distance. So we don't know what will happen tomorrow. Although in this country having more degrees does not give you the security of receiving more payment, I would like to continue studying to know more and that in any context I can be prepared and not be ignorant. Although I would follow the same line of architecture, the only thing I would like to study from a different line is tattooing, it is...